Tag Archives: Big Bang Theory

Costumes In-Progress


I’ve been wanting to post this for a while and next I’ll try to find a photo of all of my completed costumes so I can share that as well. The following are all of the costumes I’d like to get done in the next couple of years. Two of them I hope to get done by the end of this year and at least one more by Farpoint (February of next year) and then I’ll go from there. When it comes to costumes, I try to pick somewhat of the more unique ones. I dont want to be too obscure, there’s nothing I like less than putting all my money into a costume and not having a soul recognize me except maybe one or two people. But at the same time, I’m not that interested in doing the same old costume that everyone else going to Dragon*Con is doing, so I try to be unique when I can. With the exception of one that’s a secret (shhhh!), here are the 8 costumes on my wishlist. The list used to be A LOT longer, but money, skill and time kept me from moving forward with them. And now I’m grateful I never did because I’ve really lost interest. I’d spend all the money and time putting it together and maybe wear it once or twice. But these here are the ones that have stuck. So now it’s full steam ahead! 🙂

Star Trek The Next Generation – Deanna Troi

Star Wars – Ewok Leia

Firefly – Inara

Stargate SG1 – Tok’Ra Anise

DC Comics – Donna Troy

Gladiator – Lucilla

Big Bang Theory – Amy Farrah Fowler

Labyrinth – Ball Gown

The Labyrinth dress will always be on my wishlist. While I’ve gathered quite a few materials for it like shoes and jewelry, it’s something that I dont plan to start for a while.  But the Amy Farrah Fowler, Tok’Ra Anise, and Lucilla are all about 80% done! So that’s half my wish list taken care of. LOL. As for the other half, the Deanna Troi and the Inara dresses require a lot of skill, so I’ll be taking my time with those. But I’m pretty sure I got the Donna Troy and Ewok Leia ones all figured out, just have to get started once I finish the ones I’m already working on. As for the Amy Farrah Fowler dress, a friend of mine and I are doing Amy and Bernadette together from Big Bang Theory so it’s going to be tons of fun! I might not do the *exact* version in the image I chose here, but I’ll be putting together a costume that resembles Amy and her clothes. 🙂 I think that’s more appropriate since the TV show characters have more of a “dress style” than an exact “uniform” to be identified with. 🙂 So, I’ll be busy these next couple of years, but it’s gonna be damn fun!